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*Fall Conference Links Only Available at this Time*


When preparing for a Model UN conference, a lot of prior research and practice should take place with your classmates. While the background guides (found on the committee pages) should help to build a groundwork for your research, they are by no means comprehensive or the only piece of information participants should take into account. Below we lay out more comprehensive research links and methods.

Committee Research

After reading your committee’s background guide, participants should also research their respective official United Nations (UN) committees–along with the committees purpose, mission, purview, and scope of influence within the UN. To better understand the purpose and actions your committee should take, it would be most beneficial to know WHY the committee is discussing a certain topic and HOW participants can best find a solution, under their committees purview and overall mission.

Country Research

After educating yourself on your committee you should review basic information about your country. This information includes; demographics, population, geography, average income, unemployment levels, type of government, and the country's history. In order to understand your country's stances on topics you will need to know what circumstances they face. This information will allow you to speak on how resolutions will affect your country's environment, economy and citizens. 

Topic Research

After educating yourself on your country you will begin the core of your research, finding out the stance of your country. When doing topic research you will want to look for any policies the country currently has on the issue, speeches they have given about the topic, resolutions they have supported and any other press releases the country has given on the topic. Along with the countries official stance it is always good to do research on the implementation of policies. If you need more direction please contact us and we are happy to help.



Security Council
General assembly
human rights council
status of women
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